Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ambassadors for Christ

In 2 Corinthians 5:20 Paul uses the intriguing phrase "ambassadors for Christ." It is a word he uses twice, and no other NT author uses. In Ephesians 6:20 Paul uses of himself  ("an ambassador in chains"), and here he uses it of all believers. In both contexts he is speaking about proclaiming the message of the gospel boldly.

The root of the Greek word translated "ambassador" is the same as the root for "elder." The general idea with this word is one who has the right as an "elder" to represent someone. This is not specifically targeted toward the Biblical office of elder; instead, the idea is of those that have an experience that makes them qualified to speak for the party they represent.

So does this mean that we're off the hook for evangelism until we have enough experience to be a well-trained representative for Jesus? Not at all. Each Christian who has experienced the saving power of Christ, and who is empowered by the Holy Spirit, has more than enough experience to speak on behalf of the Lord. The very change that has been made in our lives is what qualifies us to speak to those who have not had that experience about the Lord who makes it possible.

I'm certainly not suggesting here that it's therefore OK to just sit back and just say what comes naturally, without attempting to learn more and more about Jesus. The newest Christian knows enough to speak about the life-changing power of Jesus, but each of us should seek to learn more, to grow more, and to find ways to be more effective in our communication of the gospel and of the Bible. Although we need to remember that regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit, not us, we should want to be able to represent our Lord in the best way we can.

Paul also doesn't say that Christians "ought to be" ambassadors for Christ; he says we "are" ambassadors for Christ. The question isn't whether or not you as a professing Christian will represent Jesus; the question is how you will represent Jesus. We in the church are often baffled, angered, or confused at some of those who claim they are followers of Jesus, and many who are not believers look at them and use them as excuses not to come to Christ. Our desire should be to show Jesus for who He is and what He has done to the world to the best of our ability.

If you are a Christian, you are an ambassador for Christ. How will you represent Him today?

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