Monday, February 8, 2016

30 Days in the Bible, Day 22: Luke 11:1-10

This passage also contains a part of the teaching from the Sermon on the Mount. Here we find a shortened form of the Lord’s Prayer, which suggests that Jesus used this model of prayer on multiple occasions. The general outline is the same, although Luke’s version is shorter. This may be evidence that the Lord’s Prayer was not meant to be the exact wording of a prayer to be repeated by Jesus’ followers (although praying the Lord’s Prayer can be a valuable experience) but a model on which to base our own prayers.

The Bible has a lot to say about prayer. Both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament we find encouragement and teaching on the subject of prayer. Jesus Himself made prayer a significant part of His life, both in content and in time spent in prayer. Note that the Lord’s Prayer is taught along with other teaching about prayer in both Matthew and Luke. We cannot truly serve the Lord if we neglect to pray.

Our emphasis through these 30 days has been on the Word of God. By reading, studying, meditating on, and memorizing Scripture, we hear the Lord speak to us. The Bible is His revealed Word, and as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in our time in the Word we canlearn what God has to say to us. The Bible is God’s message to all those who believe in Him, the way He initiates a conversation with us to draw us closer to Him and to our Lord Jesus Christ.

A conversation is a two-way communication. The Lord speaks to us through His Word, and we speak back through prayer. While our study has been focused on God’s side of the conversation, we must never forget our side. As we read and study the Bible, we will find many passages that will help us to pray and encourage us to be faithful in prayer.

It amazes me to think that God wants to hear from me. The God who sent His Son to take my judgment, the Savior who gave Himself for me, the Spirit who guides, convicts and directs my life listen to my prayers, and even more astonishingly answer them. There may be no greater motivation to pray than knowing this is true, and that in prayer we speak directly to God.

As we continue our journey in the Word, and as we continue to see how we can more effectively learn about what God has revealed to us, let’s not forget to answer back. Listen to what the Lord has to say, then let Him know what you are learning. By engaging in this divine conversation, we will find ourselves drawing closer to our Lord, and becoming more like Him.

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