The great preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon published a monthly magazine for preachers called The Sword and the Trowel. I occasionally read an issue as if it was a magazine I had just received in the mail. (I realize bot "magazine" and "mail" are somewhat outdated concepts these days, but I'm old enough that it makes sense to me. And I actually read them from PDF files.) I came across an article he published in his January 1868 issue, and I think this short article is worth sharing in its entirety, without comment from me:
Seven Seasonable Questions for All Believers- Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I. Cannot I do more for Jesus this year than I have done in the past? Have I no wasted time or rusting talents?
II. What shall I do? What form shall my extra effort take? I must not be long in selecting, for time speeds; but, without neglecting my old work, what new labor shall I enter upon at once?
III. Can I give more to the work of Jesus? Ought I not to practice weekly storing? Am I a faithful steward with my substance? Am I really returning to my Lord in proportion as he has given to me? How much shall I give at orate?
IV. Ought I not, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to become more Christlike this year? I am certainly older in years, should I not grow in grace in proportion? Shall I not seek more grace at once?
V. Shall not my prayers be more constant and fervent during this year? Might not my whole life be more forceful for good if I had more power in secret prayer? Shall I be content to go on as I have done in this matter?
VI. Must I not labor after nearer communion to Jesus? Why should I not walk in the light of his countenance? Why should I cleave so much to worldly things? Shall there not, by God’s grace, be an improvement in this respect? Is there not grievous room for it?
VII. Can I not this very day aim personally at the conversion of at least one soul? Might I not go at once and talk with some unconverted relative or neighbor about his soul? O Lord, go with me! O Lord, use me in thy
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