If it weren't for the fact that I am home sick today, and cleaning up my various computer menus and the like, I still wouldn't remember I had started this. It was much easier to post occasionally before I started working two jobs (which is truly a blessing, seeing I went for a year with just a very part-time job, so I'm not complaining).
What to do now? I though of deleting the whole thing and starting over, but I see that a (very small) number of people still visit and perhaps find something useful here. So I will keep the old posts up, but start again with new ones. I may only make a regular post once a week, perhaps reviving the "Sunday sermon" posts, but I may add a "reading log" feature to go with my New Year's quasi-resolution to read substantial portions of three electronic libraries I have on my netbook. The materials are mostly public domain works, but most continue to have significant value. It's a varied lot, but so far it has been both informative and fun.
So today I am reading in William Brown's The Tabernacle, Its Priests and Services, from the AGES Master Christian Library Version 8. The author is quite informative as to the design and structure of the tabernacle, and he reminds us of just what a spectacular building it was. He adds a number of devotional thoughts, using the tabernacle and its elements as illustrations. I am finding quite a few items that will help me when we get to that section of Exodus in our Sunday school class.
I hope you continue to enjoy these posts. I also hope I remember to keep making them!